Title: The Parade of Lords
Date: 10/22/2023
Locations: Carcosa, Carcosa Sewers
Groups: The Lords of Carcosa
Session Summary
- Fighting the two vessels which were created from the caged peopleĀ
- A weird lanky vessel
- A vessel with heavy flames around it
- Traveled to The Mournery, in The Billows close to the wall.
- Etron was given a necklace - Top right ventricle of a heart, but instead made of glass. The necklace is part of the avatar of Molescere.
- The party then attends the Parade of Lords, near the central tower of Carcosa
- Besides the Lords in the parade, a massive amphora in a similar style as the one found out of the wilderness on the bandits (The Amphora).