Title: Propositions and Prostitutions

Date: 1-18-2025

Locations: The Maw The Teeth

Characters: Montez

Groups: Lā€™ombra Profonda (The Tartuffo Family)

Session Summary

  • Session begins after the fight with The Coven of the Maw
    • Hag bodies are disintegrating into a fungal, evaporating good
    • Hag bodies are also leaking a green fluid, spelling out runes on the top of our boat (Curse of Conflagration?? AAaaAAaaaaaaaaAah FIRE!!)
  • Take a long rest
  • Heading out of the maw, we see a big barrier to ships (nets and chains preventing passage). Montez informs us that itā€™s a toll station set up by pirates - so basically extortion.
  • The toll station flies the flag of Lā€™ombra Profonda (The Tartuffo Family)
  • The piratesā€™ price is 4500 gold, or some of the gear on the boat
    • Jeraime, with a total roll of 35, gets the price down to 3500 if Jeraime sleeps with them (Gnorgy)
  • While Jeraime has many guards occupied in the Gnorgy, Gino and Hen are turned invisible to do some sneaking around
    • First, the two head to the bastion to try to find some sort of shipping manifest
      • They find a manifest detailing ~5600 gold plus the 3500 they added
      • They find a paper detailing vessels, and their shipment dates
      • They find a letter from Vico questioning about a vessel that is not on the above list (The Red Vessel)
      • They find a number of other old papers requesting information about items and stuff, and some assassination contracts (fulfilled, with a Black Rose stamp Isabella), and a bounty request for Gino
      • Most of the cages are shipped to Sanstrelli, but some are shipped to Carcosa
    • Next, they check some of the crates
      • Vessels in the crates, one has a flesh tube that shocks and the other has a necrotic beetle thing
    • Next, they check some of the tents
      • Find a diamond and a note that one of the workers at The Teeth owes money to a person at The Washout
    • Lastly, they check the warehouse
      • They find a large, locked coffer and an intricate and strange, intricately carved lockbox
      • They grab the lockbox, and pocket all of the gold in the coffer
  • Everyone rejoins at The Second Sunset and splits the spoils; Jeraime has 2 informants now
  • The Blackstars set sail for the middle sea
  • While sailing, Etron opens the locked box
    • Etron keels over and dies, under the effect of Power Word Kill
      • While his soul is torn from his body, Etron hears a cackling laughter
      • He is revived by Phari, and fails his ā€œdead saveā€
      • Now that the bound spell has been used up, Gino can safely pick the lock
      • Inside is the Chisel of Binding
  • Take a long rest, then an uneventful day of sailing
  • Sail through the night with the help of Etronā€™s skeleton crew
  • Eventually make it to Pillartown
    • All of the wharfs are a huge ripoff
      • The last place we find offers us 1750 to use RatPackā€™s Wharf, manned by rats
        • Upon seeing our weapons, they offer us a job that would discount the wharf to 100
          • The job is to hunt down his old employee that stole some stuff, who headed south on a boat called The Last Gamble

Important items

Stuff grabbed from the heist:

  • Bastion
    • 36 gold
    • 300 gp diamond
    • Latch box: contains 2000
    • Ginoā€™s old bounty paper
  • Shanty tents
    • 500 gp diamond
  • Warehouse
    • Intricately carved lockbox wrapped in leather
    • 5622 gold

Gold total: 36 + 300 + 500 + 5622 = 6458 - 3500 = 2958 total, 422 per person remainder 4 (goes to Jeraime)
