Title: Titanâs Fall
Date: 10/26/2024
Locations: The Floating Bazaar, The Sun-Scorched Forge, The Leviathan
Characters: The Lord of Puppets
Groups: The Nyâalkosh Family, The Red Quarter Rebels
Session Summary
- It seems that The Prefect was controlling an aspect of The Leviathan
- The Prefectâs Stave - a staff which controls the gaze of The Leviathan and serves as a focus
- Golden token on forehead of The Prefect - displays the seal of The Lord of Puppets
- We have made our way to The Blue Palace after defeating The Prefect, was let inside because of Adder
- Looking for Ardhall
- A discussion took place and we have to determine a way to possibly kill Ardhall and move Oryc into the throne
- We obtained a set of necklaces from The Red Quarter Rebels, this allows us a single faction reset with the robots
- We headed to the The Sun-Scorched Forge, and Gino convinced The Red Quarter Rebels that pointing the mirrors at The Leviathan would concentrate the sunâs energy and give it more power; Etron used The Prefectâs Stave to direct The Leviathanâs shot at the mirrors twice, deflecting it back at The Leviathan. He directed the third shot at the water, shooting up a curtain of mist and giving The Blackstars perfect cover to ride their wyverns into The Leviathan.
- Inside The Leviathan, The Blackstars fought with a body embedded into a wall, and upon killing it, killed The Leviathan.
Important items
The Prefectâs Stave A targeting device, used by The Prefect to direct The Leviathanâs fire.