Title: Into the Maw

Date: 11/12/2024

Locations: Bridgemoore, The Throat, The Maw


Groups: The Gilded Elves

Session Summary

  • After the fight with the vessels, it appears that the room where the vessels lived had the skin of the two people pulled off. The skins were heavily scarred, may be an indication of vessels
  • We are making our way to The Throat of the river, currently at the Northmost point of the south of The Bay of Carcosa.
  • The Throat is heavily fogged, leading into The Maw, a massive swampy floodplain. An artery of trade to get to the inner sea
  • A day from Bridgemoore. As we travel further in The Maw, it seems that the traffic of ships has gotten dense, “The gates of Bridgemoore are closed. No ships are passing.” - A passing trader
  • At Bridgemoore a massive traffic jam is occurring. A massive bridge connects both sides of the town, with a massive portcullis blocking passage through the river. Many ports are filled, and boats are strung up in series to allow for passage to walk around.
  • Athelia believes that the potion we last drank - which has worn off by now - had some restorative effects but exactly the effect is unknown.
  • We disembark from the ship and walk around Bridgemoore. Many sailors are milling about - many are concentrated around a bar named The Choke.
  • At The Choke: heavily populated with ruffians. “A wisp mother has blown in from the swamp which blocks passage. It should take about three weeks until it disperses or someone deals with it.” 
  • Wisp mothers are a collection of lost souls not eaten by vessels or dealt with. As they kill beings with a conscience, they get stronger. One of the many products of a world without divinity. The planet has violent seasons.   “Maybe they are lost”. They don’t leave The Maw (something ties things down there), so they don’t enter the city.
  • Additionally the Welcoming of Winter festival is occurring this week as a celebration of the season - a belief if you don’t welcome winter you will experience an intense season.
  • The Maw is also home to a coven of hags, pirates and buccaneers (closer to the end of the Maw), and even whispers of a necromancer.
  • The sailors state about The Wailsong “I don’t know anything about The Wailsong, those that do don’t make it back.”
  • In a square: General liveliness and celebration. A large, gothic six-story manor stands out in this area - this manor is The Librarian’s Manor
  • Welcoming of Winter: Most inhabitants are rather well off, with many passing traders at the festival due to the traffic of the wisp mother. The wisp mother being rather common. A religious ritual here is burning harvested grain on the stovetop as a symbol of sacrifice. 
  • The Librarian’s Manor has a sign “Quintessential Quandaries”, we (all party members except Adder, Gino and Gattenk) enter the manor - it is a giant cylindrical library. An incredibly tall (8’ 4”) Tiefeling (The Librarian sits scribing in the center of the building. Will sell knowledge, but cannot buy from them again until we sell a piece of knowledge back.  - Tends towards the Ancient and Unknown. I find an orb wrapped in cloth (a Reverie) - a startling blue orb - similar to one we found in the Strand (We need to take that one). I took the orb and papers with it, I bartered with The Librarian of knowledge of The Lord of Beauty; he told me not to touch the orb unless I am in a safe place.. Breeze is a customer of The Librarian, and subsequently he will not pass along information about the man - he has bestowed much information to the library.
  • The Lord of the Hunt - for centuries across the continent there have been gruesome maulings for high profile individuals. A ‘beast’ somehow managed to appear and destroy the individual. Last minute notes and statements, an individual around them began acting differently. 
  • The necromancer Da Lo Lensky is a past customer of The Librarian. Will give no more knowledge on him. 
  • A sleazy looking sailor approached the party at the festival, and told the party that he can help navigate the Maw after the wisp mother dissipates. Montez can be found at the Choke.
  • Reading the papers about the orb I find that ‘The Clue to understand all that father gave to us is in these orbs. With a collection of several orbs I have a rather-’
  • Touching the orb I wake in another body, a passenger. A lecture room, Hatsur’s first orb, a Reverie. There will be Reveries which explain the fall of Carcosa.
  • I must find the other Reveries - I know there is one in The Dehm in the closet where the mage with the coral staff was found. 
  • Gattenk stared off into the water and saw a white fish which told him “to reject the hunger”
  • The following day we go to the town hall and talk to the city leaders about dealing with the Wisp Mother. They benefit more from the wisp mother happening now due to the festival. They would offer us a small reward of 2500 gp. Athelia wants us to collect some ectoplasm for potions - needs wisp tears. 
  • Looking for a magic shop to be able to buy a crystal to help with the fight against the wisp mother. The best thing we can find is a 400gp crystal, we purchase it in hopes that it will help.
  • We take a rowboat, Phari calls it “The First Sunset”, to The Maw. The Maw is incredibly foggy and will take some time to move through. 
  • There is a faint but omni-present sense of magic in The Maw. Unable to discern why/what this occurred, but it could be similar in effect to the inner sea being caused by a war by the gods. 
  • In The Maw we all dream of a weight on our chest - struggling to breath, we wake paralyzed. A small golem creature made of wisp of shadow sits on our chest, its face ever shifting, no hit dice back on sleep and a level of exhaustion. This does not seem like an action caused by the wisp
  • The fog is so thick that it is higher than 100ft. Looking around the bog Etron finds long steps of stone, and beached on an island, parts of a large ship.
  • The ship is a large cargo vessel, it looks to have some sections exploded at the center of the ship. Must have been a magical explosion (a spell) must have done this as there are no powder marks on the hull. Seems to be a pirate ship or privateer from recently. We find boxes of sailing supplies, powder kegs, and other misc items. The boat must have come from the far side of the central sea. We find a secret compartment and find 900gp and writings detailing how the pirates were contracted out from a group called ‘Tartuffo’ (L’ombra Profonda (The Tartuffo Family)?) to investigate a wizard living in The Maw (could this be The Necromancer?). No corpses present.
  • At the stone bits, it seems to be an ancient foundation of a building - a monument to something old. Only one corner of this building stands above the bog. The wall of the building is heavily coated in vines, and upon clearing them it appears to be a religious monument in celestial. The mosaic seems to be of the night sky - and Gino captures the mosaic in a drawing - we can ask The Librarian about it later.
  • Preparing for sleep, we dispel magic and cast faerie fire. We see a scrying eye watching Adder which then dissipates. 
  • As we sleep we see a magic light moving slowly to the hut. We see a jellyfish-esc orb made of thousands of motes, 15ft in diameter - this is probably a wisp mother. 
  • We fought and killed the wisp mother (and learned that Leomund’s Tiny hut can make encounters boring)

Important items
