Groups: The Blackstars, L’ombra Profonda (The Tartuffo Family)

Characters: Isabella, Vico, Adriana, Emilio

Locations: Portovino

A rogue hailing from Portovino, on the run from his family mafia.

The Death of Adriana, Gino’s Escape, and the Fallout

Adriana’s death came in the wake of a failed business arrangement orchestrated by Vico, who saw her life as collateral damage in an ill-fated deal. Gino, devastated by her loss, began to question everything the family stood for. Adriana’s last words to him haunted him, urging him to leave Portovino and build a life free from the family’s influence.

Driven by grief and a sense of betrayal, Gino made the difficult decision to flee the mafia, leaving his newborn daughter behind in the hope that she would be spared. But in his absence, Isabella was raised by L’ombra Profonda (The Tartuffo Family), who fed her a version of events that painted Gino as a traitor and a coward. Vico declared Gino a stain on the family’s honor, sending agents and assassins, including Isabella, to track him down and bring him to justice.

Since his departure, Gino has lived on the fringes of society, moving from town to town, evading those sent to hunt him down. His life has been one of secrecy and survival, filled with guilt over abandoning Isabella. Now, twelve years later, Gino is beginning to find purpose once more as a member of The Blackstars.