Title: From Saviors to Survivors

Date: 11/6/2024

Locations: Ny’al, The Barge, The Sea

Characters: Ardhall, The King and Queen of Ny’al, The Lord of the Hunt

Groups: The Lords of Carcosa, L’ombra Profonda (The Tartuffo Family)

Session Summary

  • At the Titan’s death, the robot quickly fell into the water

“Another child killed, she was hideous but she was mine” - The Lord of Puppets

  • speaking to us from the internal titan’s controller as we try to decapitate the head and take it as a trophy - may be able to communicate with The Lord of Puppets through it later. Informed that The Lord of the Hunt is after us. We must be wary, they may appear to be anyone or anything. 
  • Ny’al is smoldering at the end of the fight, but much of the city is intact. Small pockets of battle still occur but it is clear that the blue guard will succeed
  • Oryc won’t leave the city, if The Blackstars still seek to fight Ardhall, then a changing of the rulers may be necessary 
  • Oryc believes that Carcosa fanned the flames of the war - enabling the conflict, they will not stop
  • Adder wants to rule the city and is backed by Oryc
  • We are the saviors of Ny’al - as spoken by Ardhall
  • We are taken to meet The King and Queen of Ny’al, residing in Ny’al’s keep.
  • Adder’s parents are deeply sick, with pale skin. Each wearing a necklace that has almost been attached to their neck. It is the same necklace as that we found on Kor - one that was meant for Ardhall (The Ruby+Silver Necklace). 
  • Oryc is not allowed to access to see the king and queen - by order of Ardhall. We discuss the necklace Oryc. The parents were gifted the necklaces by Carcosa. Oryc believes that it would be ethical to let the king and queen die. We gave the necklace to Oryc, he will study it with the healers at The Temple of Hasi. We must wait as research is undertaken and perhaps a solution will be found. 
  • Ardhall was given a necklace by The Roecrin Family - talking about Kor etc. He found out that The Lord of Whispers was responsible for the necklaces. It can be assumed that this is the raven figure.
  • Ardhall also looked to add to the army by impressing the rebels into service by threat of execution.
  • All benefits of Ny’al are provided to us in reason.
  • The Lieutenant Commander Nos of Ny’al is our point of contact in the city. He has given us access to rooms in the diplomat quarters. We will get a reward in two days.
  • The Lord of the Hunt is the harbinger of The Lady of the Grove. The Lord of the Hunt has been seen as a figure with gray pallid skin, and cloudy milky white eyes. 
  • In the time between the gift, first day:
    • Gino is looking for information about L’ombra Profonda (The Tartuffo Family). He looked through a shop recently razed by the fighting - finds mostly charred information and papers.
    • Etron is looking to rebuild the Haunt that was destroyed. From this area it seems that souls of this area need to be put to rest and appeased. Molescere taunts that a deal could be made for greater power. 
    • Hen and Jeraime helped the citizens by healing and rescuing individuals.
    • Gattenk explored the red quarter. Looks to track Zyf and Yuker. Zyf is nowhere to be found and Yuker is captured.
    • Adder helped rebuild the city and met with [[Oryc.
    • Phari looked to investigate information about her god’s shards.
  • Second day:
  • Third day - the Black Stars received 25,000gp, a working Nevengine, and Yuker’s axe - The Monolith. Also the siege was called the Sunrise Siege
  • We got a potion from Athelia - we feel no different. It tasted sweet and came with a feeling of safety. The potion was expensive - 2,000gp for each potion. As an aside we should gather ingredients for later perhaps. Duration unclear.
  • Will venture to Pillartown next, we are taking a pair of dragonborns (Urth and Hayd - Urth being Hayd’s ward). Getting a set of weird vibes from the dragonborn pairs. 
    • We find Rux during the first night of our voyage, he has:
    • Small metal circlet - gambling (no stat block rn)
    • Rapier - Misfortunes Edge magic weapon with additional psychic damage. Can reroll a single attack, crits on 19 
    • Deep blue pirate hat - Sunken and Forgotten resistance to cold damage and breath underwater. Add half cover
    • Flask (same as one we saw last time) - 3500gp - Poly’s Flask summon a random liquid every long rest
    • Dagger (one we’ve seen before) - 4500gp - Subversive hooked throwing knife, +1 weapon, and 50% chance to get a critical on one attack per long rest.
  • Researching Porcelain Soldiers shows that they are necrotic in nature, but the exact magic is unclear
  • Gino found information about Pillartown and a village outside of Zuk for more info on L’ombra Profonda (The Tartuffo Family).
  • Gattenk investigated the cannoneers, learning that he may be able to use the cannons somehow if given a magical power source.
  • Second night on the boat, Etron awoke to a scratching sound coming from the additional passengers. he awoke Hen to investigate this.
  • We then heard a loud shriek and two vessels broke out from the room onto the deck.
    • A large putrid vessel with pustules
    • A tall skinny vessel with wings
  • “Father has your scent” written by the passengers on the walls (likely referring to The Lord of the Hunt)

Important items
