Title: Consumed by the Horror

Date: 12/30/2024

Locations: Bridgemoore, The Maw

Characters: Montez

Groups: Coven of the Maw

Session Summary

  • Montez has a large collection of pebbles 
  • Favorite rock found on the shores of Carcosa, by one of Breeze’s Towers
  • We once again leave for The Maw, now with Montez - we have two options:
    • Route one - hug edge of The Maw - adds a week to travel
    • Route two - through The Maw - far more dangerous, especially in the center - six days
  • Montez’s rock seem to align itself to the route we are traveling
  • First night we see little, but maybe hear the slight sound of vultures
  • Montez’s perception of Pillar Town: Little rough, doesn’t associate with gangs
  • Montez iss from Shai
  • We progress through The Maw, and encounter a massive quantity of malformed/mutated vultures
    • Some land on the boat, but none are looking to attack us
    • The water here seems to be supernaturally still
    • Two vultures transform into women (conventionally attractive) wearing robes, members of The Coven of the Maw
    • The Coven of the Maw look to bargain, there is someone tainting the maw (necromancer) - atop corpse-stone mountain in the center of The Maw
      • Deal: Kill the Lich (Da Lo Lensky), and the coven will share knowledge. If we fail/disagree expect combat
    • They then disperse into The Maw, shocking Montez
    • Hags feed off of despair
  • As we travel forward it gets darker and darker, and night approaches
  • The next day we see Corpsestone Mountain appear from the fog, jungle environment, the mountain almost appearing organic - this area may be related to the The Age of Apostesy
  • No animals are present on the mountain
  • The mountain looks almost unscalable - how do we get up?
  • A grotto is found in the side of the mountain, inside we see the ruins of a stone village - which does not resemble at all in the time-stopped village - it is warm and humid here. It almost feels like a mouth.
  • Etron’s Necklace shakes slightly, Molescere/the dark passenger seems amused
  • We venture further, the grotto seems slicker and softer, and more villages and cities are present
  • The party is being assuaged by fears 
  • We venture even further and the stone of the cave turns to flesh
  • We are in the maw of an eldritch being
  • Etron asks Molescere what this is “A discarded tool” and responds no further
  • Further in the esophagus it opens into a larger area, where some land is present
  • The mounds seem be mostly dirt and worn down stone
  • Random detritus has washed up to the mound
  • The water is starting to corrode our boat, is the water becoming bile?
  • At the near end of the path, a rib has punctured into the intestine, we can park our boat here, but not completely out of the bile
  • A switchback up the rib as it spirals up body, and we make our way up a switchback carved into its spine
  • We see an open fleshy valve inviting us as a doorway
  • Inside we see a thin fleshy tower and begin a fight

Important items
