Title: Skybound Salvation

Date: 10/6/2024

Locations: Ny’al, The Sarkaeus


Groups: The Ny’alkosh Family, The Red Quarter Rebels

Session Summary

  • Oryc is in The Sarkaeus
  • The King and Queen of Ny’al have not been seen for two years and Ardhall (adders brother) currently runs the city
  • We make our way up a stairwell into The Sarkaeus
  • A large white object is floating over The Floating Bazaar. The temple has fighting additionally, it seems that the temple holds healers. And saw clouds of tiny floating gyrocopters
  • In The Sarkaeus we have talked to Oryc, who says he cannot leave the tower as his student’s are under his protection - we need to be able to distract the titan by perhaps destroying the ward crystal that shields The Blue Palace
  • We leave The Sarkaeus after discussing with Oryc on our strategy going forward. The tunnels we entered are now a mess and unable to be passed through. 
  • We are trying to get a group of Wyvern’s to take us to both the The Temple of Hasi and The Blue Palace, but until the attachment of porcelain artillerists at The Crag Gardensare taken out we cannot get the wyvern’s - therefore
  • Successfully fought across the river of Ny’al in order to get to the garden. 
  • Can use The Sun-Scorched Forge to concentrate on the Titan
  • The puppet artillerist still needs to be taken out in order to allow for the use of wyverns
  • The Mumbler’s Mosaic is used as a temporary armory - a famous artist residency which specialize in magical mosaics - they are currently making exploding arrows
  • The Floating Bazaar has a large dangerous entity which appears to be controlling the Titan

Important items
