Title: **

Date: 3-2-2025

Locations: Pillartown

Characters: Ratpack


Session Summary

  • Session begins aboard The Second Sunset

    • We decide not to open The Amphoras, but decide we want to figure out how much people are buying/selling them for
  • Returning to RatPack’s Wharf, we return the shipment we’d retreived

  • Walking to The Washout, a woman is shouting atop a set of boxes. She’s screaming some sort of prophecy (she sounds nuts)

  • At The Washout:

    • Gino sits down and chats with some people
      • It’s generally believed that the pillars were not always here
      • One of the pillars, at the edge of town, has an entire ancient ship embedded up the side
        • Nobody is sure how it got there - it appeared sometime around when The Rust Queen showed up
      • The Rust Queen has been around Pillartownfor 40-50 years
      • Asks about the
        • There’s probably one of Breeze’s Towers in some islands off Shai
          • The sirens out there prevent anyone from exploring, but a group of mercenaries (The Kirrasa?) got a method from the local wizard that would let them get past the sirens. They never returned, so it’s assumed the method didn’t work.
      • Asks about L’ombra Profonda (The Tartuffo Family)
        • Received with an uncomfortable silence - it seems they are present in Pillartown
    • Hen eavesdrops
      • Rumors of sirens out near Shai
      • There are two sorts of fights in The Sway; more common fights are organized by Ludos, and more “prize fights” are organized by The Rust Queen’s Castle
      • There are some mercenaries from Zuk in town (likely The Kirrasa)
        • They seem to be accosting the Wizard’s tower at the edge of town Aphun
      • Some people are talking about how easy it would be to raid the oceans outside of Ny’al
        • Hen approaches them, asking to let him join (he plans to use The Doorknob to sink their ship)
        • They tell him he need to steal whatever is in Adder’s bag
        • He steals 50 gold (with Adder’s consent)
      • The Sunken Choir will have a ceremony soon
    • Jeraime looks for informants
    • Adder leaves early to tell Nos about the pirates’ plan to operate off the coast of Ny’al
    • Etron returns to the preacher on the corner
  • Head to the Pillartown Market

    • Hen investigates the sale of the silver door, and looks for Athelia’s list of ingredients
  • Gino and Hen get water walking cast on them, and head to the pirate ship to sink

    • They easily sink the ship
  • Etron talks with Madrigal the Mad Prophet after she collapses

    • She keeps talking about losing an orb (a Reverie?)
    • Etron detects magic on her, and finds nothing
      • Her madness is not magical, but fro something genuinely maddening to see
  • The next day, The Blackstars head to The Sway, but are sidetracked by flashing lights at Aphun’s Tower

    • The Kirrasa are laying siege to the tower!
    • Etron sent his bird in, and it was dispel magic-ed (presumably by the resident wizard)

Important items
