Title: Haunted by Mystery
Locations: Countryside
Characters: Athelia
Session Summary
- 3 days out from Carcosa
- As we continue to guide the carts to Carcosa up the south entrance, we encounter the remains of a slaughter of bandits in a gorge and further up the trail. The beast which has done this must be extremely large - a gait of perhaps 6 legs
- An extremely injured bandit stumbled into the camp at night, was attacked by the large beast. He then gave the amphora to the camp as pay.
- At second watch the camp was roused, a silhouette of the beast was spotted atop a hill. We are preparing for attack and action.
- We approach the gate, but nearly 200ft from the wall the massive vessel appears and gives chase. It also really wants the amphora.
- The amphora contains a small amount of gold liquid
Important items
The Amphora We found a note on one of the bodies: “Come quietly when business is low, ask for Carphius at the Seraphim, bring the amphora…(the rest of the note is illegible)”