Faction: The Gilded Elves
A method of storing memories invented by Hatsur and used by The Gilded Elves. They are being sought out by many parties right now, including The Blackstars, The Lords of Carcosa, and The Kirrasa.
Your vision blacks out for a moment and a you feel like the ground has been picked off from your feet and you swirl into a chaotic blackness. You pop your eyes open and you are in a different body, not as a driver but as a passenger, you feel all this person feels, a large sense of pride, a little apprehension, and an immense sense of amusement. You look out infront of you, it is some kind of.. Lecture room? The walls are marble striped with gold, the balcony behind you wafts in the fresh smell of the ocean, a room full of students infront of you, all of them with milky white skin and large yellow eyes, [To you these are similar to the engravings you have seen In the strand.] The you to whom you are passenger begins to speak, his white pale arm outstretched, clutched in it presented to the students a large blue orb.[The person you inhabit speaks in a light tone] Hello students now and possibly forever after, I am Hatsur and as a gift of experience, I have invented these orbs, these Reveries. There are noises of amusement from the crowd of students as if they are in on some joke with Hatsur. With these orbs, we can guarantee not only knowledge, but our experience, our very minds, will be passed down to our progeny. Historical events, music, wars, speechesā¦ and lecturesā¦. all encased in here, along with every emotion and idea the person recording had, imprinted all in these this orbs. I shall pass it around for all if you to feel what I felt and see what I saw, for all intents and purposes you where me when you see through it.You turn around and walk towards and onto the balcony overlooking a city of immense majesty staring out over its white and gold towers out into the ocean ahead. The memory ends. The First Reverie