Title: A Twist of Fate
Date: 11/19/2024
Locations: The Maw, The Frozen Village, Bridgemoore, The Choke, The Librarian’s Manor
Session Summary
- We are still crossing The Maw, but now have taken out the wisp mother in the area which halted progress of our travel - we are collecting the wisp tears, the remains of the monster (have about a pouch of the wisp tears) - study/arcane check later on the ship
- We no longer are haunted by the dreams since the death of the Wisp Mother
- The boat travel back to Bridgemoore is going smoothly but the temperature of the environment seems to be dropping, something may be occurring - a large gator is frozen in time, there seems to be an area of the environment which slows time, often punctuated by a specific rock - approaching by about 10 ft stops Etron’s bird
- A slate with embossed oxidised copper and with some cellular structure, we can dispel their magic and destroy their effect
- As we travel deeper into the area, we find a village frozen in time (The Frozen Village) - the stalactite of the entropic halting rock have punctured as if by an explosion, throughout the town
- We do not know of the culture from which this town originates but it must be old - no people are present, the flora of the environment also do not entirely match that of the swamp - we can go further to reach an old library, armory, and other buildings are all present in the town, and a ‘nucleus’ of the time explosion in the environment
- Hen takes two time-touched weapons - a mace and a spear - from the armory
- Hen finds an ancient scroll of The Patheans - likely a manuscript for fighting, and found a manuscript titled “Notes on The Gilded Elves” as a thank you to me helping him retrieve the scroll
- Appears to be a drawing of a humanoid figures (digitigrade, grey-milky white skin, two-large yellow eyes) - identical to what we saw in The Dehm
- In ancient script I recognize a map of old Carcosa - different enough to current day
- The book notes information about The Gilded Elves - notes on depictions of gods interacting with them, must be pre- and during The Age of Apostesy
- In the church, there is a mural of three large circles with children staring at the large orbs - almost moon-like in nature
- ‘Moontouched’ the vestiges of moon gods appear as children bestowed with powers - when the world still held three moons, therefore the church stood before The Age of Apostesy
- Investigating the church’s cemetery, it seems necessary to take a skeleton to talk to later by getting speak with dead - the skeleton has been moved to the bag
- By flying over the hemisphere we see a small opening over the hemisphere, with a rod sunk into the earth of the hemisphere - Hen makes it inside the hemisphere with flying and being shrunk
- In the hemisphere, the environment is warm - the rod is a spiraling burnished textured, similar to the rock - Hen pulls the rod from the ground, with a pop, the tips of all the rocks crumble - the town then explodes
- Additionally time is catching up at speed, so any thing not dispelled is rotting before our eyes
- I identify the rod which is ‘Fatespiral’ - which is a vestige of a long dead god of fate
- We then row into Bridgemoore, and pull into the shores of the town.
- When investigating the wisp tears we may have the ability to resist magic, Etron was swapped with a body double who was likely The Lord of the Hunt - they turned into bugs and left, not before casting silence and taking some of the maps we have
- The Lord of the Hunt took our maps detailing our future routes, and the Reverie
- Montez - the drow - approached our ship in the morning, odd since he was not told of the boats location
- The party received mail:
- Received the reward from Bridgemoore for killing the Wisp Mother
- At The Librarian’s Manor:
- The script of the wall mural found in the swamp states that the fallen moons’ sacrifices of its vestiges returns it to the sky each night
- Spell scroll of Comprehend Languages was 200Gp and 750Gp for Speak with Dead
- The Librarian really wants Fatespiral and the “Notes on The Gilded Elves”
- The Librarian is a mime - a vessel who has blended in, been in Bridgemoore for more than 400 years
- We have a password to tell if someone is a body double - ‘Yellow Skies’
- At The Choke the party splits
- Jeraime learns of Montez who appeared in town without a boat a day after the siege in Ny’al and started asking questions. We worry he may be The Lord of The Hunt
- Gino is looking for other navigators - in the range of 400 to 500 gp
- Gino lets slip that he has a daughter - or maybe has a daughter - named Isabella, 12 /13 years since she’s been seen by Gino, shes not much older