Once lost and Twice found, the City of Carcosa is built among the ruins of immense towers belonging to a time long past. Ruled by an enigmatic lord known as The King in Yellow, little is known of this figure other than the immense power he carries. It is understood that he alone maintains the immense barrier of energy that surrounds the magnificent city and the several miles of idyllic countryside around it. This barrier is the sole protection the great city has against the Vessels outside, which are ever drawn to the city in greater numbers.You and your compatriots decided to brave the dangerous roads on the path to Carcosa, seeking fame, glory or resolution to your own quarries. Originally separate and untrusting, you have all grown somewhat close over the month that you have travelled together. Brought on as guards for the small caravan you follow, you hope the hazards and dangers will be worth it. Now only a few days away from the barrier of Carcosa, you attempt to out-maneuver the hordes of Vessels that plague the land surrounding Carcosa.


The Legend of CarcosaĀ is a DnD campaign, led by Ben Elkayam, centered aroundĀ The Blackstars. The campaign is set a few thousand years afterĀ The Age of Apostesy, a cataclysmic event in which gods were forcefully rended from our plane, there by severing the ability for souls to properly leave the body after death. This resulted in the proliferation of hideous and powerful creatures known asĀ Vessels.

For more lore, check out the Short Stories!


Mysterious Disappearances - Session 1 to Session 11
The Blackstars look into the disappearances that plague Carcosa, and find more than they bargained for.

Defamation of a Dynasty - Session 12 to Session 27
The Blackstars stoke the flames of rebellion in Adderā€™s home city, but may have played into Carcosaā€™s hands.

Hunted Pirates - Session 28 to Current
The Blackstars take to the seas in pursuit of more information about Breezeā€™s Towers; meanwhile, they are being hunted by The Lord of the Hunt.

Key Pages