Date: 12-21-2023


The last rays of a sunset are sliced apart by the knifepoint mountaintops of the windswept Earthspines. The dense jungle canopy is diminutive in comparison to these rocky monuments. It is at the base of one of these venerable pillars that the last golden rays of the sun catch the metal frame of a colossal dark grey stone door. In the reflection of metallic surfaces, the flicker of movement is caught. A wounded mercenary does her best to tend to her mauled arm; on the other side of a small campfire, a frightened cartographer sits and disguises his fears among the crackling fire. His brow furrows deeper every time the campfire shoots out a strand of blue flame. M: “Any thoughts on how to get out this valley, I’d rather not end up as a chew toy again” [She finishes tying off the bandages, some of which are already soaked through with blood] C: “It’s not a valley” M: “At least speak up if you are going to mope” C: “Its not a valley, these are ventifact mountains you brick brain
 And I told you we should of left DAYS AGO!” C: “And now look, your company and its leader are currently Skrol shit.. No map can fix that.” C: “And even if maps could navigate your men out monkey bowels, YOU decided to use my maps as tinder!” [Almost as if invited, the fire spit out another flash of blue as the last of the map ink vaporized] M: “I’m sure if you keep yelling, the Skrols will see to your complaints.” M: “You still have the master map, right? We can get out.” C: “Yeah
 but it won’t matter, they’ll likley use it as napkins after they eat us. M: “Listen, we found the door. You focus on leading us out, Ill focus on getting us out, and we both get paid.” [A silence follows for some time until the last fringes of light extinguish themselves, only a faint yellow glow to the southwest remains in the sky] M: “It’s getting late I’ll take first watch, you after. If you see anything, wake me. The shuffling and snorting betrayed their pursuers presence. Bare white carapaces catching the glint of moonlight could be seen stalking through the trees below. He planned to not wake her, “Atleast it would be peaceful this way”, he thought. He didn’t want either of them to suffer. A last heroic attempt to do nothing, to be set free of the responsibility of surviving. When the morning arrived, they both still drew breath
 The Skrols seemingly had eaten their fill.