Date: 1-2-2024

Tags: The Lord of Puppets

Metal hands click on a masterfully crafted porcelain skull, its facets and edges made of burnished copper. Metal eyes with bright engravings frantically grind within the skull’s sockets, the closest thing to running away the disembodied head could muster. Cables filled with fluid coil from the base of the head to a disconnected torso. A faceless mannequin caresses the skull between its lifeless palms. “Why are you afraid, I adore you
.” “WHY ARE YOU AFRAID!” The mannequin slams its arm into the metal bed. The skulls eyes still with fear and focus. “My darling, beautiful child, move for me, breathe life into what I made for you
.” The eyes drag themselves along the cables to stare at the machine laid out before them, a cobbled hunk of metal that could never be home to a soul. Minutes pass as the skull glares at the tips of its would be fingers. Its concentration is broken in an instant as the mannequin hurls its head across the room tearing it from the cables which kept it alive. A spray of crimson fluid arced behind the skull as it collided with a far-off wall pockmarked with dents. “Why must they FAIL! WHY MUST THEY MAKE ME DO THIS!” The mannequin stilled itself, rage is not befitting a machine. It turned towards a simpler looking mannequin. “Bring in my next child.” “And bring me that skull, it is far too pretty to waste.”