Characters: Etron, Molescere

A contract, cementing a deal between Etron and Molescere.

Primary Agreement between Molescere and Etron Aemon Valyr

This contract is entered into by and between the God Molescere (hereinafter referred to as the “Benefactor”) and Etron Aemon Valyr (hereinafter referred to as the “Agent”). Whereas a set of agreements to summon the avatar of the Benefactor by uniting the four ventricles of the Benefactor’s heart (hereinafter each ventricle will be referred to as a “Heart Piece”) are detailed in this contract.

Therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenant and promises herein contained, the parties agree to the following:

Article I: Statement of Expressed Commitment

The Agent will do all in his power to collect and unite all of the Heart Pieces. He will not be deterred by any obstacle, including physical or otherwise. If the Agent expires (or is in the immediate process of expiring) while attempting to collect and/or unite the Heart Pieces, a secondary agreement may be created in this time of need. Greater information on this secondary agreement may be found in Article III.

Failure on the Agent’s part to collect and/or unite all Heart Pieces (wilfully or otherwise) will result in the forfeit of his soul to the Benefactor. Failure can occur in the following two events:

First, the Agent states his intention that he is no longer committed to collecting and/or uniting the Heart Pieces. The Agent must speak the following statement: “I, Etron Aemon Valyr, being of sound body, mind, and soul, cast off my commitment to Molescere and forfeit my soul to him.” This statement will be valid only if the Agent is of sound body, mind, and soul and the statement will be considered null and void if the Agent is coerced, charmed, possessed, put under duress, or affected by any number of other conditions which alter the Agent’s psyche and/or soul.

Secondly, the Agent is unable to collect and/or unite the Heart Pieces before the event known as the ‘Concourse of Lords’ ends.

Upon failure, the Agent’s soul is forfeit to the Benefactor.

Article II: Statement of Independence

At no time may the Benefactor attempt to corrupt, interrupt, influence, constrain, or in any other way affect the Agent’s process of collecting and/or uniting the Heart Pieces (which is detailed in Article I), which includes affecting the Agent’s party “The Black Stars” in any way. The Agent’s mind, body, soul (and any other components of their being) may not be influenced and/or affected by the Benefactor except under express permission given by the Agent.

Attempts of corruption, interruption, influence, or other methods of constraints include purposefully putting the Agent or the Agent’s party in harm’s-way, be it a realistic danger or not. This additionally includes the Benefactor attempting to bestow punishment(s) for any slight(s), damage(s), or any other grievance(s) the Benefactor may perceive to have faced. The Benefactor may not lie, or attempt to use hyperbole while making agreements or conversing with the Agent, as this may be considered as influencing the Agent.

Additionally, any machinations, schemes, or other plans developed by the Benefactor, be it before or after this contract is executed, may not (or attempt to) corrupt, interrupt, influence, constrain, or in any other way affect the Agent’s process of collecting and/or uniting the Heart Pieces (which includes affecting the members of “The Black Stars”).

Only with a detailed and truthful written statement given by the Benefactor to the Agent of the intended effects of the influence (given without duress to the Agent, without a time limit for the Agent to express permission) may the Agent express permission for the influence (following the rules in Article I on being of sound body, mind, and soul) at which point the influence may be enacted by the Benefactor. No punishment or other action may be administered by the Benefactor for the Agent’s rejection of any influence.

Article III: Secondary Agreement(s)

If the Agent expires (or is in the immediate process of expiring) while attempting to collect and/or unite the Heart Pieces, an additional agreement may be created in this time of need. To enact a secondary agreement, the Agent must be of sound soul, being that the Agent’s body and/or mind may be gravely affected by the hazards of collecting and/or uniting the Heart Pieces.

Being of sound soul, the Agent must command their soul to make a secondary agreement with the Benefactor. Upon this occurring, the Benefactor must in good-faith attempt to create a secondary agreement with the Agent to resume the Agent’s objective of collecting and/or uniting the Heart Pieces. If a secondary agreement cannot in good-faith be created between the Benefactor and the Agent, the effects of Article I (failure to collect and/or unite the Heart Pieces) are enacted.

Additionally, secondary agreements may be attempted without the Agent being dead or near death, but the Benefactor is free to not engage with such attempts.

A secondary agreement is any additional contract (beyond this contract) between the Benefactor and the Agent which may attempt to alter, adjust, or change the language of any past contract. This may include, but is not limited to, boons bestowed by the Benefactor, additional commitments expressed by the Agent, or any other articles.

Article IV: Completion of the Agent’s Objective

Upon the completion of the Agent’s objective (to collect and/or unite the Heart Pieces) the Agent will have fulfilled the obligations of Article I. Upon the completion of this task the Agent will receive the following boon:

The Agent and their party will forever be under the effects of Article II. Additionally, the Agent’s soul (and their partie’s souls) may not be claimed by the Benefactor. The Agent will retain full autonomy of their soul.

Article V: Signatures and Seals

By signing below, both parties acknowledge that they have read and understood this contract in its entirety and agree to be bound by its terms in perpetuity.

Molescere, God of Rot: archaic signature

Etron Aemon Valyr, Peregrin of High-Brook: Etron Aemon Valyr

By the power bestowed by the Weave, this contract is bound in perpetuity between Molescere and Etron Aemon Valyr across the plains.